Friday, 28 September 2012

October 2012 events list

Here is a read out of October's planned Hitchin Nomads events. In addition to these, ad hoc rides occur and are listed on Facebook, e.g.Thursday night off road rides convene at the Windmill, Charlton at 1845h

Club runs
14 October Ware Esem Café
28 October St Neots Café

21 October Mini Club Run (new riders and newcomers to cycling)
Meet at Hitchin Market Square

7 October Interclub Hill Climb (HNCC) - Sharpenhoe
Start: 10.30

13 October Autumn Hilly (Whitwell) circuit
Start: 08.30

21 October Charlton Hill Climb (near Windmill Public House, Charlton)
Start: 11.30