Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Briercliffe 10 16/04/2013 - Evening Series Round 3 - Report

A bumper field of 24 riders competed in Round 3 of the Nomads' Briercliffe evening series. 

The weather conditions were vastly improved in comparison to the previous two events. Although the sun was on their backs riders were still forced to deal with a strong westerly wind which made riding heavy as they headed off the G&M Growers section in to Southill. 

Ben Wilson was first Nomad home with a superb time of 24m 15s. Andy Herbert marked his season debut with an impressive 24.29. Current series leader, Simon Doyle came home a further 12 seconds in arrears for third. 

Of the guest riders Jason Stuart (CC Ashwell) clocked a sub-24 minute time for the second time this year. 

The standard of racing has seen an increasing number of riders go sub-25 minutes, a standard which was rarely attained in previous seasons.

Frank Turner kept an eye on the clocks, James Spence and Geoff Perry pushed-off and assisted. Clive Collins took on the roll as Public Address system in calling out riders' times at the end of play. Many thanks also to Paul Riley for the general banter and mickey taking.

B Wilson 24.15, A Herbert 24.29, S Doyle 24.41, M Webb 27.51, N Hickman 27.55, J Gomm 28.07, J Traynor 28.59, N Wilson 29.37, R Serradhino 29.37, C Collins 30.37, D Summerell 30.53, S Smith 34.55*

 *includes 1.33 late start

J Stuart CCA 23.59, G Ashfield unatt 24.49, J McVey Chapeau 25.29, G Laming BRCC 25.38, D Olney BRCC 25.42, D Watson Chapeau 26.03, P Gell BRCC 26.11, C Pearce CCA 26.49, R Cunningham unatt 27.04, J Izzo BRCC 27.28, J Daly unatt 31.51

CCA - CC Ashwell, BRCC -  Beds Road CC

J Moffat, Virgin