Saturday, 17 March 2012

2up team time trial - results and report (17/03/2012)

The second race of the Nomads' calendar took place on a grey and damp St Patrick's Day but 17 riders graced the Bedforshire roads with their presence. With a shift to Saturday racing James Gomm's strategy of enticing club members and our friends from Stevenage, Welwyn and Team Salesengine seems to be paying early dividends.

A range of pairings saw Neil Fraser and Simon Alibon nick the verdict by 13 seconds with a very tidy ride.

Neil Fraser 1:02:56 Stevenage CC
Simon Alibon 1:02:56 SCC

Simon Doyle 1:03:09 Hitchin Nomads CC
Andrew Herbert 1:03:09 HNCC

James Spence 1:11:55 HNCC
James Gomm 1:11:55 HNCC

Clive Collins 1:15:49 HNCC
Nigel Wilson 1:15:49 HNCC

Jon Traynor 1:17:19 HNCC
Nick Senechal 1:17:19 HNCC

Nick Hickman 1:25:18 HNCC
Simon Pascoe 1:25:18 - unattached

Tim Wallis DNF HNCC
Charlie Pugh DNF Tri Sports

Steve Robinson DNF Team Sales Engine
Paul King DNF Team Sales Engine

Ryan Witchell (Solo - PTT) 1:05:10 Welwyn Wheelers

Thanks to Frank Turner and Nicky Ollier for timekeeping and Mark Young for snapping the photos.

The end to a rainy but eventful time trial.

Flickr photostream courtesy of Mark Young.